
Splash of Watercolor – Sandra Adams

Sandra AdamsAs a child in Ohio, Sandra Adams showed an early talent for drawing and art expression. Many a Saturday was spent at the Cleveland Museum of Art taking classes which encouraged her to realize that she excelled at drawing.  Her family moved to California and while attending high school her talent began to blossom. Her art teacher was a wonderful mentor as Sandra won many awards in Scholastic Regional contests.
Hoping to become a fashion/costume designer, Sandra, majored in fine arts at UCLA; however, her love of children, drew her towards the teaching profession. For 10 years she taught art in Hawthorne High School until she had her own children. With her children in elementary school, she became the art teacher for K-8 grades and enjoyed teaching arts and crafts.


Sandra AdamsAs her children grew up, Sandra had time for travel to Europe, South Africa, Australia and the United States, igniting her passion for watercolors specifically. Photo memories of the incredible scenery and travel experiences have been the inspiration for her paintings.
Sandra has painted with oil and acrylic; however, she prefers the transparent watercolor medium which has allowed her to capture the freshness and light of the subject. Her paintings combine realistic detailing with an impressionistic background that draws the viewer into the picture. There is a quiet gentleness of subject matter and color which gives the paintings a poetic or spiritual quality.
Sandra Adams
Sandra has painted special subjects for friends and family and continues to practice her craft with the same enthusiasm she displayed in her childhood.
